Building on the Potential of Renewable Energy Sustainability in Jordan- Power Breakfast with CCI France Jordanie/CAFRAJ

Building on the Potential of Renewable Energy Sustainability in Jordan- Power Breakfast with CCI France Jordanie/CAFRAJ

CCI France Jordanie/CAFRAJ hosted a Networking Power Breakfast with AmCham-Jordan’s Chairman, Mr. Samer Judeh, as a guest speaker discussing renewable energy sustainability in Jordan in his position as the Co-founder and Chairman of the Jordan Wind Project Company PCS, as well as, the founder and Chairman of Shamsuna Power Company.

The PowerBreakfast discussed the potential renewable energy sustainability in Jordan as well as the strategic future opportunities and priorities. Mr. Samer S. Judeh, AmCham-Jordan’s Chairman, stated that the implementation to maximize the use and promote sustainability of Jordan’s natural resources in the fields of energy and water must always be taken into consideration.