Register: Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
Amcham2021-07-26T18:22:47+00:00Digital Marketing & E-Commerce:
How can Jordanian enterprises access global and U.S. sales channels

In the session we will explore the raising importance of e-commerce and digital marketing channels as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and consider how Jordanian enterprises can better understand and use these tools and channels to access global sales channels whether B2B or B2C, with specific focus on the U.S. market.
In this session we will also look at how these technologies can specifically support export growth of MSMEs and women owned businesses.
The session also includes a 30 Min Q&A – where participants can interact with the expert on specific issues.
Date: Monday July 26th, 2021
Time: 4:00 – 5:30 PM Amman Time
9:00 – 10:30 AM EST
Featured Speakers:
Supported by USAID Middle East Economic Growth Best Practices Project (MEG)