Singing an MoU with EEConsult

Singing an MoU with EEConsult

AmCham-Jordan and EEConsult signed a Memorandum of Understanding on March 7, 2022. (MoU). The MoU was signed by AmCham- Jordan’s acting CEO, Ms. Raghad AlKhoja, and EEConsult officials.


Texas Energy, an EEConsult subsidiary, implements photovoltaic projects in Jordan. This team was assembled as part of EEConsult’s initial Middle East and North Africa (MENA) expansion.


A leading renewable energy company in the US and MENA. Texas Energy, like EEConsult, focuses on renewable energy markets, project development, and capacity building in various regions. Texas Energy offers the following technical assistance: a. Energy consulting b.2 Renewable energy project planning and development an electrical system inspection Money Options


Together, Jordan and the US will help maximize the benefits of their free trade agreement by growing their respective energy sectors. AmCham-Jordan and EE Consult will also host networking events to facilitate information, knowledge, and technical advice exchange between Jordanian and US businesses, as well as between Jordan and the US.