Jordan-U.S. FTA Unit
The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Unit was established in 2017 with support from the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Jordan Competitiveness Program (JCP).
Based at the American Chamber of Commerce in Jordan (AmCham-Jordan), the FTA Unit acts as the national focal point serving Jordanian and American Businesses to better understand and utilize the trade and investment opportunities made available under the Jordan U.S. Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and the Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT).
The FTA Unit also serves as Secretariat to the Tijara Coalition, a private-public sector partnership of organizations that was first formed in 2001 to explain the U.S.-Jordan FTA to the Jordanian private sector and to international investors.
The Coalition was relaunched in 2017 under the patronage of the Minister of Industry, Trade and Supply and the Chargé d’Affaires of the U.S. Embassy in Jordan, in order to work jointly and contribute to unlocking the benefits embodied within the legal instruments enforced between the two trading partners, with a view to create a competitive and enabling environment that encourages two-way investments, exports and employment.

The launch of FTA Unit at AmCham-Jordan Offices 2017
Left to Right:
Eng. Fares Hammoudeh AmCham-Jordan Board Member & Chairman of Zarqa Chamber of Industry , Ms. Rose Alissi CEO of AmCham-Jordan, H.E. Ms. Alice Wells former Ambassador of the United States of America to Jordan, H.E. Yarob Al-Qudah former Minister of Industry Trade & Supply, Eng. Mohammed Bataineh Chairman of AmCham-Jordan, H.E. Mr. Adnan Abu Al Ragheb former Chairman of Jordan Chamber of Industry.
FTA Unit Objectives are to:
FTA Unit Services are:
- Promote and support the increase of exports of goods and services.
- Promote and facilitate investment opportunities.
- Support development of economic policies and legislative modernization.
- Build awareness among the business community in both Jordan and the U.S. on biliteral trade and investment relations and opportunities.
- Conduct specialized training and compile information and data.
- Export Support (goods and services).
- Investment Support.
- Advocacy.