Managing Workplace Conflict through Mediation – Executive Workshop

Managing Workplace Conflict through Mediation – Executive Workshop

Two-day interactive workshop held at the AmCham-Jordan Offices on the days of 30th and 31st of May, 2022 handed-on opportunity for human resources professionals; directors, managers, and team leaders from various public and private sectors to learn about the mediation process as a new way to resolve conflicts.
Day 1 focused on understanding the types, causes and effects of workplace conflict, the
means of managing these conflicts successfully and utilizing the mediation processes, the
skills and processes to manage and resolve conflict.
While, day 2 expanded on that by conducting role-plays and exercising the basic skills. Participants
gained an understanding of how perspectives and relationships effect the workplace and
can be changed to ensure the interest of the employees and the enterprise. 
Module A: Workplace Conflict Module description: In this module, we will be able to understand what is workplace conflict and its types. We will consider the causes of conflict and employees’ reactions and attitudes to conflict. Modules outcomes: To be able to understand what is workplace conflict and how conflicts arise in the workplace. To gain understands of the ways to avoid and deal with workplace conflict. 
Module B: Ways Companies Deal with Conflict Module description: In this module, we will examine what are the formal procedures companies can follow in cases of conflict: grievances and disciplinary action or dismissal. We will also consider individual labour disputes before the Wages Authority and the Court of Conciliation. Modules outcomes: To appreciate the importance of rules. To be able to know how and when companies can apply the different measures and respond to different cases of workplace conflict. Where the rules and procedures are found and how to apply them correctly. 
Module C: Mediation: A tool to resolve workplace conflict Module description: In this module we will introduce the Mediation tool its features and benefits. The role of the mediator. Cases when mediation is appropriate and its challenges. Overview of the JBW facilitative mediation process, its objectives and principles. Modules outcomes: To be able to understand the benefits of mediation to know when and how mediation can be utilized. 
Module D: Informal Mediation: Process and Practice Module description: In this module, we will review the stages of facilitative media-tion and the techniques and skills needed to conduct mediation, supported by practical exercises & role plays. Modules outcomes: To understand stages of mediation and its rules. To demonstrate knowledge of the skills and behaviors needed to conduct an informal mediation. To know when to use basic mediation and the situation when you can call of a trained mediator.